Greenbank Airport
Greenbank CNP8 VFR Map
Unicom 122.725 5nm
Elevation 975 feet
Runway 16/34 is 2700 X 80 Turf
Runway 03/21 is 1900 X 80 Turf
Right hand circuits on 03 and 16 to avoid the town of Greenbank
Lighting 16/34 Type J (5 clicks)
Greenbank Airport Google MAP
1140 Hwy 47 East
Uxbridge, Ontario
L9P 1R3
Manager: John Packer
Cell: 416-984-6449
Office: 905-985-4777
Inexpensive AVGAS and MOGAS 24/7 credit card
Washrooms, Lounge, wireless Internet
Aviator Academy
Sightseeing flights, flight training
Aircraft repair and maintenance
Len McKay
Tel: 647-281-8195